
2015年2月13日 星期五

Letter to Dr. Leung PY about Hospital Authority (HA) Pay Adjustment 2014/15

Chief Executive
Hospital Authority

Dear Dr. LEUNG,

Re: Hospital Authority (HA) Pay Adjustment 2014/15

We have recently received complaints from our doctor members concerning the Hospital Authority (HA) Pay Adjustment 2014/15 and we would like to direct it to you for your further action.

According to HR Circular No. 5/2015, no retrospective adjustment will be made to the pay of those ex-employees who had left HA before 22 Jan 2015 on any grounds except the followings.

(a)       retirement / approved early retirement (HRPM Chapter K2);
(b)    termination by HA on grounds of poor health (HRPM Chapter K3) or death of employees (HRPM Chapter K4); and
(c)        redundancy / staff surplus situations (HRPM Chapter K3), if any.

As a matter of fact, Civil Servants on resignation will have his/her wages calculated up to his/her last day of employment, which takes retrospective effect from 1 April 2014. The HA’s measure of excluding ex-employees who resigned before 22 Jan 2015 from the Pay Adjustment Exercise was announced without any staff consultation and we believe that such policy creates unfairness and discrimination to them. This undoubtedly further jeopardizes the morale among medical staff and the trust to our HAHO management.

We would like to know the rationale on which the exclusion criteria are based and please provide relevant documents. We would be most grateful if you would reply us as soon as possible so that this matter could be resolved to everyone’s satisfaction.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Fergus YAN
Treasurer, HKPDA

Dr. Theresa LI, Head of Human Resources, Hospital Authority Head Office

Dr. LAU Ka Hin, Chairman of DSGCC, AC Department of Psychiatry, QMH

HKPDA members

Dr. Pierre CHAN
President, HKPDA

