有些人認為,工會一定是像打後衛,攪破壞,現代足球的後衛己經不是有破壞無建設了。 我的位置是右中場,喜愛助攻,我四年前免費轉會律敦治球隊後,已經連續四年做球隊的助攻王。 我以住幫手爭取侍產假,5年升AC,做工會也是本着幫同事發聲多做助攻。
2014年6月25日 星期三
2014年6月12日 星期四
HKPDA opinion survey - Should Medical Council relax internship rules on non-local graduates?
- Under the MRO, non-local medical graduates are required to sit the MCHK s examination (LMCHK) and to complete a 12month internship training before they could register as medical practitioners.
- The purpose of such requirements is to safeguard medical standards and to ensure non-local graduates will become familarized with the local healthcare system and practices before they are allowed to registered as medical practitioner.
- To cope with manpower shortage in certain clinical areas in the public sector (e.g. A&E, Radiology, Medicine), it has been reported that the government has asked the MCHK to consider granting exemption for part of the licensing exam and the internship for overseas specialists. ( http://m.news.sina.com.hk/news/article/3187653/2/20140213 )
- In the last few years, several measures have been implemented to ease manpower requirement in the HA.
(1) Annual medical students intake has been increased from 250 to 420.
(2) Requests for limited registration from the HA have all been approved.
(3) The frequency of licensing exam for non-local graduates has been increased from once per year to twice per year.
- The HKPDA is of the view that the proposed relaxation is a major issue and would like to seek your views on this. The replies will be summarized and sent to the 14 elected members of the MCHK in the last week of this month.
* Internet access is required in submitting this electronic form (intranet cannot).
* Deadline of this survey: 20 Jun 2014
June 2014
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