Dear HKPDA members,
I would like to ask for your comment here ....
1) Will you attend the second HKPDA forum 2015?
- Topic: Consultation to public doctor on HA review
- Date: 4 March 2015 (Wednesday)
- Time: 18:30 - 20:00
- Place: Lecture Theatre, Kwong Wah Hospital, Kowloon
- Moderator: Dr. CHAN Pierre 陳沛然醫生, 香港公共醫療醫生協會會長
- Guest speakers: Dr. TSE Hung Hing 謝鴻興醫生 香港醫學會前會長
- (Cable TV 1 Feb 2015) 醫管局草擬檢討報告料年中完成
- (Cable TV 1 Feb 2015) 病人組織歡迎改善聯網撥款制度
2) Any comments on Volunary Health Insurance Scheme?
- Further info
4) Any comments on further 5-year AC promotion program?
Enter your comment here
Dr. Pierre Chan
President, HKPDA