
2015年3月5日 星期四

HKPDA 「檢討醫管局」會員諮詢大會

香港公共醫療醫生協會 HKPDA 和 香港醫學會 HKMA 在2015年3月4日 成功合辦了「檢討醫院管理局運作專責委員會」會員諮詢大會。

HKPDA 和 HKMA 公開地邀請所有醫生参加,那天有多位重量級醫生出席,包括香港醫學會 HKMA 會長、副會長、會董,HKPDA 各會董, 當然有公家私家醫生。

十分感謝 香港醫學會前會長 謝鴻興醫生帶出討論綱領:

多年來 HKPDA 都是在伊院攪論壇,今年一月的醫學界政改論壇也是在伊院。這次嘗試跳出框框,在九龍西聯網廣華醫院舉辦論壇,如果再有機會,我希望能到不同的聯網醫院接觸不同的醫生會員。

2015年3月3日 星期二

Letter to Dr. Leung PY about Pay Level Survey of civil servant

2 Mar 2015

Dr. LEUNG Pak Yin, JP
Chief Executive, Hospital Authority

Dear Dr. LEUNG,

Re: Pay Level Survey of civil servant

We would like to express our views towards the HA’s decisions in response to the Pay Level Survey of civil servant.

The Civil Service Bureau (CSB) had announced on 10th February 2015 that The Chief Executive-in- council has decided on the application of the finding of the 2013 Pay Level Survey (PLS) to the civil service. According to the decisions, the salaries of civilian civil servant in Job level 5 (i.e. those remunerated on MPS points 45 to 49) are to be raised by 3 per cent with effect from 1st October 2014. The increment will also be applied to disciplined services and Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC).

In view of the survey result, we have contacted the cluster human resource units about the HA’s decision whether HA would follow the recommendation. Their replies were disappointing.

Over the past years, our senior colleagues have provided not only high standard clinical service to the public, but also training and teaching to the junior doctors to safeguard the public’s health and cultivate the next generation.  They have upheld their professionalism and gone through the hard times together with HA in facing the challenges of SARS, swine flu, manpower shortage and even the current influenza outbreak. Their devotion to duty and the professionalism should be of high respect, appreciation and rewards.

We would like to clarify with HAHO:
1)         Would HA staff share the similar pay rise in line with civil servants?
2)         If not, what are rationales behind?

We would be most grateful if you could reply us as soon as possible.

Best Regards,
Yours sincerely

Dr. NG Chi Ho
Vice president, HKPDA

Dr. CHAN Pierre
President, HKPDA