
2012年8月30日 星期四





此外, 我們也積極參加持首選委會選舉,希望借助選舉令有關方面正視公立醫生苦況,聆聽我們訴求,改善醫療政策。PDA成功要求醫管局推出十項挽留員工方案,改善員工晉升機會及工作環境,挽留人才和經驗。縱使成果漸露,但醫管局仍有不少「甩甩漏漏」,極待改善之處。減少了10%的流失,對管理層來說已是很了不起的成績,沾沾自喜;但站在PDA的立場,即使只有一位前線同事因受到不公平對待,未能晉升而流失,也不能接受,必定會去信局方,絕不手軟,並且會監察進展。



另外,我們成功增設了免費智能手機平台(PDA apps), 方便發佈消息,增加與會員之間的聯系和雙向溝通, ( 下載PDA apps 可參閱信內的membership form 或HKPDA Website )。最後, 希望各位繼續支持PDA,積極參加本會活動及發表意見,與我們一同成長。
祝 大家工作愉快,身體健康!

公共醫療醫生協會會長 傳錦峯

2012年8月10日 星期五

Letter to Dr. Leung PY about 5-year post fellowship Associate Consultant (AC) promotion exercise

10 August 2012
Dr. Leung Pak Yin, JP
Chief Executive, Hospital Authority

Dear Dr. Leung,
Complaint letter from frontline residents

We have recently received complaints from our members concerning about the 5-year post fellowship Associate Consultant (AC) promotion exercise jointly agreed by HAHO and doctor unions in the Task Force in 2011 and we would like to direct it to you for your further action.

The aim of the above mentioned exercise is to improve the morale among the frontline medical staff and to reduce the problem of brain drain. However, after more than a year of implementation, problems arise. One major problem of this exercise is that it runs in the form of batch. Instead of being promoted automatically, those qualified candidates need to wait for recruitment exercises which run yearly in July. Since different specialties have difference examination date, such arrangement inevitably incur the problem of unfairness among different specialties. Doctors who have their exit examinations completed after July will have a significant delay in promotion compared with those working in specialties that have their exit examinations conducted before July. Such difference creates discrimination and it undoubtedly further jeopardizes the morale among medical staff and the trust to our HAHO management.

In order to resolve the problem, we suggest fine-tuning the current AC promotion exercise as continuous basic. The AC promotion process is able to be smooth out if it automatically proceeds within 6 months after passing the fellowship examination in the respective specialty. The alternative is to practice the AC promotion biannually. Such improvement should minimally increase the administrative burden as there is merely paper work without interview arrangement.

We would be most grateful if you would seriously consider our suggestion and reply us as soon as possible so that this matter could be resolved to everyone’s satisfaction.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Fu Kam Fung, Kenneth
President, Hong Kong Public Doctors’ Association